Politics has been here for quite some time now and is an integral part of our social life and the order implemented in our societies. In that aspect, it has been said that politics is an inevitable feature of running the human race, and generally, it aims to find the balance in social and economic activities.
But politics is also a very broad term. It can be used to run the operation of a country as well as run the international relations between countries. Politics is also being used to run a small community, a private firm, and other organizations. So, it would be easy to conclude that politics as a form of communication is here to stay forever.
However, political government systems (as well as economic social systems) have been transformed and adapted to different cultures, regions, and times. With the recent rise of objection to politicians, it is more than likely that the political government system as we know it today would be different in the near or distant future. Moreover, the phenomenon of entertainisation of politics in the media is disturbing and making politics unreliable.
This has made me wonder if there’s an alternative method for politics as we have known? Is there a new way on the horizon for the political government system that currently exists? What is the next political governmental system that is could rule the world? And when politics will finally be moral?
First, why is politics a dirty game?
In simple terms, politics is a set of activities that are associated with making decisions in a group and are responsible for the distribution of resources. It has been somewhat forced into the mainstream, and its overall use (at least in my view) was totally corrupted in the past century. Politics has been described for many years now as a struggle for power and a dirty game. Undoubtedly, politics is in crisis these days. Across the world, trust in governments is at all-time low levels, and the rise of shaky leaders is currently the biggest danger to our global order.
Consequently, there is more than one reason for many people to disbelieve in the current political system that exists in their countries and around the world.
For example, while parliamentary elections have become an entertaining event and a symbol for democracy, for many people it’s an embarrassing occurrence. We got to admit that our anticipation for a messiah in the form of a US president or a national Prime Minister that will make a drastic change became an absurd phenomenon. Politicians have the power to make tiny changes but ultimately, individuals are those who can make the real change.
Moreover, the hierarchy of politics is often perceived to be an unequal system, in particular with the growing movement of the Anarchist political approach. (Anarchism is a political philosophy that is very skeptical of the authority of the state of the hierarchy of politicians).
In that matter, all democratic political governments these days have one ruler (PM, president, or king) that supposedly has the power to make crucial decisions. Consequently, the idea of democracy remains unclear. It would be more than reasonable to try another political system where an assembly of leaders will take decisions and be responsible for running the operations of an organization (similarly to courthouses).
So, is there an alternative to a political government system?
Realistically, politics will be part of our social system in the future. But there are other forms of a political government system that would work and could create a different type of hierarchy and decision making in our social structure. For example, David Friedman, the son of Milton Friedman, has been talking a lot about the Fued law.
While Friedman’s idea is more law-related, César Hidalgo has suggested another idea for fixing the current broken political system, as explained in the video below. Cesar’s idea to replace politicians by using AI technology is part of a growing discussion about how AI automation could be integrated into politics.
Another great view on the future of governance could be found in Deloitte’s report Gov2020: A Journey into the Future of Government. This report, made by William D. Eggers and Paul Macmillan, discusses the driving factors that will have a significant impact in the future, as well as the supposed new forms of political government.
In that aspect, the best example of the integration of digital technologies into the political science field is the recent hype around digital assets that might replace money in the future.
The future of government systems
All things considered, it is highly likely that new ways to run governments will emerge in the future. Some of these futuristic forms of government systems include Cyberocracy, Noocracy, Demarchy, Futarchy, etc.
But, some of us may believe that the future of the political government system is in fact, not having a government at all. While it is pretentious idealism, the notion of not having a government could find its balance, particularly when we consider the strong lack of belief of the new generation in the current political system and the notion of governments.
Nonetheless, there’s one thing that must be addressed when we tackle the issue of politics. The media, or more accurately, social media. There have been many discussions and claims about how and why social media is ruining political discourse. In my view, political media is one of the biggest threats to humanity, as evident from the Covid-19 pandemic coverage. From any angle, the media in all of its forms must always be objective and moral.
Covid-19 – The rise of Technocrachy?
Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic raised some important questions as to who needs to be responsible for making such crucial decisions. Therefore, it will only be a matter of time before democracies will evolve into technocracies, where those who are elected are appointed on the basis of their scientific expertise. Richard Horton has recently published the book ‘Offline: The Coming Technocracy‘ which aims to explain the need for a technocracy governmental system.
The bottom line, while the previous century has seen a battle between communism and capitalism (and then capitalism vs socialism), do not be surprised if the clash in the next century would be between democracy to technocracy. Nonetheless, the notion that there’s an alternative for government political systems and for politics as it is presented to us in the media is a glimpse of hope.