The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, also known as ISIS, was the idea that humans would live their lives based on Sharia law without any other form of legislation or public policy. For some, it was a dream that came true, while for others, it was a huge threat that must be stopped.
ISIS was founded in April 2013, and for several years, it has grown exponentially until it reached a peak of around 40 percent of the land of Iraq and a third of Syria. At the time, ISIS was a huge threat to Western countries as well as to Syria, Iraq, and, mostly, the Kurdish community. At the same time, those who wanted to live under the Islamic Law found this as an opportunity, and have migrated to the area. But how many people actually lived in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant? Was it really that big?
So, how many people lived in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant?
So, the big question is, how many people actually lived in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant? The data is a bit vague; however, it is estimated that by 2015, at the peak of ISIS, around 12 million people lived in the Islamic State with an army of more or less 30,000 fighters, all under the rule of Islamic Law. This population has arrived from countries all over the world, including European countries and the United States, though the majority have migrated from Muslim countries.
Yet, even though the Islamic State was forced out of its territory in 2019, the organization, in fact, still exists. According to experts, there’s a possibility of a new rise of ISIS in Syria. Meanwhile, the organization, which is recognized as a terror entity by most countries around the world, has executed several terror attacks in 2023 and early 2024. Additionally, it is estimated that the organization operates 19 branches in Asia, Africa, and Europe.