Here’s a problem I’ve had recently. After downloading an image/GIF, I closed the web-browser tabs and couldn’t find the source of the image/GIF. Not a big deal but still, I had to find the source of the image/GIF on Google Chrome. But because I used incognito mode, I couldn’t find the URL in which I downloaded the image/GIF. So, what’s the solution? How can you easily find the source of an image/GIF on a Mac or Windows operating system?
Well, if you are using Mac then the first option to find the source of the image/GIF through the details of the file: In order to do that, follow the steps below:
- Right-click on the image file and then click on Get Info. You’ll then see the details of the file.
- Click on the More Info in order to find the source of the image. Then you can see a URL where the image was downloaded from.
- Copy the URL and paste it to the web browser to find the source of the image.
While the first option should be favored, in some cases you’ll not be able to see the source of the image/GIF under the ‘More Info’ section. In that case, you should visit Google Image Search. Here’s are the steps to follow to find the image on the web-browser via Google Image Search:
- Visit (for computer), or (for Android, iPhone, and iPad)
- Click on the Image symbol
- Upload your image. Then, you’ll immediately get the source of the image/GIF.
That’s it, this should help find the source of the image of a Mac computer (or Windows).